Call for papers

‘Race’, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies (REPS) PhD symposium
London Metropolitan University
6-7 June 2013

You are invited to participate in the fourth annual ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies (REPS) PhD symposium. Building on the success of recent years, the REPS symposium provides a forum for PhD students to exchange ideas, present new work, receive constructive feedback from scholars and work collaboratively with peers across disciplines and institutions. Experienced academics from the participating universities will chair sessions. Past chairs include: Claire Alexander, Les Back, Chetan Bhatt, Caroline Knowles, Anshuman Mondal, Paul Gilroy, Yasmin Gunaratnam, Michael Keith, Nirmal Puwar, Liza Schuster and John Solomos.

Presentations may be based on recently completed, in progress or planned research broadly related to issues and debates in ‘race’, ethnicity and post-colonial studies. The symposium will be hosted at the London Metropolitan University and will take place over two full days: Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June 2013. Participants are expected to attend both days.

We especially invite presentations on the place and possibilities of REPS with respect to, and in the context of, the neoliberalisation of higher education as well as increased policing in and of educational institutions. We hope to facilitate an open discussion around these issues towards the end of the symposium and we encourage students researching these issues, whether historically or contemporarily, in the UK or abroad, to share their ideas.

The event is free and lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days
. Unfortunately there is no budget for travel and accommodation – expenses related to these remain the responsibility of participants.

Participants will have 15 minutes to present their work. Eligible formats include: Sole-authored papers; Co-authored papers; Dialogues between two or more participants around a ‘REPS’-themed paper or discussion topic; Film; Art work; Posters.

Inputs will be clustered into sessions chaired by academics with opportunities for questions, answers and discussion in a supportive environment.

The deadline for title, abstracts and short bio (maximum 250 words in total) is 1pm 29 March 2013. Please ensure that the abstract highlights both the content and format of your input.

To submit titles and abstracts, or for further information, please contact the organising committee

REPS 2013 is organised by a committee of PhD students from the following institutions

  • London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Brunel University, Department of Sociology & Communications
  • City University, Department of Sociology
  • Queen Mary, Business School
  • Goldsmiths, Department of Sociology
  • London School of Economics, Department of Sociology

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